Wednesday, 4 November 2009

View Points in Moving Image - Rubber Johnny by Chris Cunningham

This video uses very quick flashing view points - extreme close ups, mid shots, long shots. The overall feeling of this video is unnerving, it creates a strange enigma as to what you are watching, and the viewpoints change frequently to keep it very chaotic and mysterious. Chris Cunningham follows similar themes, colour pallets and unusual moving imagery throughout his work which makes him stand out from other directors...his work is memorable and almost addictive to me...I constantly want to see new videos! Chris Cunningham is one of my all time favourite directors and video artists!!!

View Point in Photography - Diversion Tunnels, Fort Peck Dam by Margaret Bourke-White (1936)

We also looked at this image in the viewpoint in photography lecture. I think this image is very dominating; the viewpoint accentuates the size of the dam making it appear extremely large and overwhelming that the people within the image look lost in the environment.

View Point in Photography - Hoe Culture by Dorothea Lange (1936)

This image shows the torso of a workman’s body, not using the head of this person shows that the photographer is only interested in the body language and clothing of the worker. This image really focuses on the hands of the person; they are worn and dirty to connote a long day of grafting. Also the clothes of the worker are ripped and torn suggesting poor health and hard workmanship.

View Point in Photography - Intersection by Josef Koudelka

We looked at this image during a lecture on view point.
We can only see the top half of the man's body therefore apart from the position of his head; the use of showing just the head and shoulders makes the viewer wonder which way the man is heading. Even though his head is facing away from the long passage ahead his shoulders are slightly turned towards it, I think the long passage ahead connotes the stereotypical road to heaven, a care free life. The fact we predict he is going to walk past connotes that he is not ready to take the easy root he wants to continue with his life as it is.