A technique, popular in science fiction films and familiar through films such as 2001: A Space Odyssey and Alien, in which astronauts are placed in a state of deep hibernation for long-duration spaceflights in so-called sleeper ships. Another example is in the original Star Trek series episode "Space Seed".
Suspended animation might enable the crew of a relatively slowing-moving spacecraft to survive the entire duration of a long interplanetary or interstellar voyage, and thus avoid the need for an enormous generation ship; occasionally the two concepts have been combined, with generations of "caretakers" supervising a large population of frozen passengers.
Suspended animation might enable the crew of a relatively slowing-moving spacecraft to survive the entire duration of a long interplanetary or interstellar voyage, and thus avoid the need for an enormous generation ship; occasionally the two concepts have been combined, with generations of "caretakers" supervising a large population of frozen passengers.
When i saw the phrase 'suspended animation' i thought it was literally nothing to do with animation maybe a technique of some sort! i didn't realise until my step dad had to explain it to me (too many times) ... but i have learnt something new!!!!