These last two weeks have been chaotic! There has been so many jobs to do on different projects it has been hard to keep track of what i am doing. However i have quite enjoyed working with the whole of the moving image team as i feel we are all very close. I believe we have worked well together and everyone has managed to get involved and we have all equally pulled our weight.
At the beginning of the project when we had both briefs we sat down together and discussed what needed doing on each idea. We all went away and had a go at all 6 ideas to get a feel for them all before we had to make a decision on which projects to focus in on. I found it very difficult and time consuming to try and juggle all 6 projects and i believe that's how we all felt so we decided to cut 2 of them out (POSH and Lexus toy car). This made it slightly easier for us all but then we thought we should split ourselves in to specific projects that we would be best at or we would enjoy the most. I decided that i wanted to work on both of the Stockport college briefs as i believed i would be more useful.
Reverse (Ricks Idea)
I really enjoyed working with this idea and as a team i think we worked well together, Rick Purbrick being the director and Craig Johnson being the producer. I thought they were both great to work with as they made sure everyone was kept up to date and that everyone knew what had to be done. I didn't have a specific job on this project i just got involved with everything that had to be done like ideas, idea development and production (filming and taking the still images). I feel this is a more suitable role for me as i don't believe my personality is strong enough to direct a group of people, i wouldn't be able to make huge decisions and my organisation skills are fairly poor. Although working in a group really motivated me to persist as i didn't want to let other people down and i think that's why on a whole everyone worked so hard. I feel that with this project most of my efforts went into the idea development part of the projects as i thought i was most helpful there! My filming skills and editing weren't as good as some of the other members of the group so i feel that i did a good amount in the ideas development process that was fairly useful.
Pop Up (John, Tom and John's initial idea)
This was by far my favorite out of the two and i feel more of my efforts in this project went towards the page ideas and final production. As the idea was pretty much set in stone when we began to work on it there was only a few other jobs before production that needed doing. Tom, Jack and John already had an idea of what they wanted to be on the pages such as courses and information so me and Sarah went around the college to the relevant places and took still images of things we could include on the pages (These helped Tom to create style frames for each page).
Also i did a few page designs for a few of the pages like Beauty theorpy, travel and tourism and sports and i'm glad that some of my ideas were good enough to be included in the final style frames. While this was going on John began building all the different components for the pages out of card which was hugely time consuming but by far he was the best for this job! Eventually when everything was made for the page we were going to produce for the final deadline (Mechanics) John and i started off the stop motion tests. This is where most of my contribution came in as this is why i joined this group to lend a hand at the production which under direction i think i am better at. We did 1 test but it was very empty and wasn't at all what we thought it would look like so i went back to my sketchbook and tried to figure out what we needed to make it more interesting. I did a few storyboards while John put together the images to make the sequence. This then led to the second test of the day where we added a spinning sign and all of a sudden it made a huge difference because there was always an element of movement. Finally the page looked more alive!! We were pleased with the movement on the page but we seriously needed to consider what was going to go on in the background so that you didn't just see the desk and wall. The day after with some help from Rick we managed to place green cloth in the background to use as a green screen so we could make it more visually pleasing in post production! We did one more test after this was done and it look significantly better even just with the block green colour as a background it looked more interesting!
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