I used to visit Vernon Mill regularly to have a mooch at local artists work as i originally studied Art and Design fine art. Me, my mum and Step dad would go nearly every Saturday morning and it has only just occurred to me to go back and see whats going on at the moment. Oh how i have missed this place! It is so calm, quiet and relaxing to ponder around the studios of different artists and designers. One artist in particular that stood out to me was a man named Malcolm Croft (a bit of info about him below i found on the Vernon Mill Artist website)
"Malcolm grew up in the north of England and went to college to study photography in Kent. On leaving he worked as a press photographer in Fleet Street and in Manchester, winning the 1997 Press Photographer of the Year Award for his coverage of the IRA bomb attack on the city.
Unfortunately he was hit by a car while cycling in Derbyshire and, his injuries so severe, forced to retire. After spending a number of years raising his two sons he began painting in 2005 and is self-taught. What started out as a hobby has now morphed to the point where Malcolm finds himself poised on the brink of success, his work hanging in galleries next to paintings worth thousands."I really enjoyed looking at his work because there was such a variety of different images to see but all done in this particular style of bold black outlines and block colour to fill the spaces. They all look fab together as well as they are all placed in white frames with a gold rim, a simple frame to showcase the colourful work within it.
I love to look at other work such as paintings and illustrations as i think they are what i feel inspire me the most, i do obviously love watching animation and film but i think because of my art and design national diploma background fine art and illustration still fascinate me! I love to take drawing styles into consideration to as it is something i can push with my animation and filming style whether it will be hand drawn or computer generated. After heading back to Vernon Mill i defiantly want to keep my eye on what is happening there so that i can keep going back to try and grasp some inspiration or even talk to the artists themselves if they are around for some tips and advise.
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