Saturday, 20 August 2011


Now i need to find a song that will fit nicely with my animation so i started off by typing 'sonic soundtracks' into you tube to see what i could find and the first one i came across was The sonic 'green hill zone' which is one of the original and most famous soundtracks of the game. I am going to try this over the animation on one of my tests to see if it will fit as i think it will probably be the most popular and recognisable.

Then i looked at loads more but i don't think they will fit as the tempo and overall feel will not suit the overall mise-en-scene of my piece. Here are a few more examples of songs i looked at.

The 'Marble zone' music was a bit too slow for the pace of my animation and a bit too deep, its not exciting enough so i kept on looking.
I then stepped away from the first Sonic the Hedgehog and looked at ones from Sonic the Hedgehog 2 but again it was too deep and not exciting enough for the pace of my animation and i didn't want to steer to far away from the original game which is most likely for people to pick up the music from.
So again i reverted back to the original Sonic the Hedgehog 1 but this one is far too slow and has a very, very relaxed feel to it and i want my piece to be a bit mental and a lot faster so i continued my search for the right soundtrack.
Then i came across this soundtrack from Sonic the Hedgehog 2 'The chemical plant zone' which i love ... it still sounds like a sega made sonic theme tune but feels a lot newer a lot more exciting than something people are going to expect to hear. It also gives a small enigma to the piece but not enough so to not realise what it is!
So i then found another song but again was too slow so i know i am defiantly going to try the original 'green hill zone' and 'The chemical plant zone' from Sonic 2 and see how i get along with putting them over the animation to then make my final decision.

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