Thursday, 15 September 2011

Little Boat by Nelson Boles

After my tutorial with Rick i was having a chat with Tom, Jack and John and Tom suggested i watched 'Little Boat' By Nelson Boles on a website called 'Cartoon Brew'. It is a basic boat shape and it travels through different weather conditions and scenarios where it gets destroyed and then rebuilt again, its a really great narrative as it gives an inanimate object a character/a life you really feel for the boat and feel what it is going through which is exactly what i want my audience to experience!
On the website this animation is compared to a short film by Albert Lamorisse called The Red Balloon (1956). It is a story about a young boy who finds a red balloon on the way to school one morning and from then on the balloon seems to have a mind of its own following the boy throughout the film. It is similar to Little boat and my animation in the way that life has been given to an inanimate object which leads the audience to create emotions and attachments to the object.

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