Thursday, 5 April 2012

Resistance 3 - Intro and Trailer

I found this trailer for the game Resistance 3 and the reason i though it might be useful is the way in which the trees move framing the man walking down the train track is particuarly lovely. They move in a very strange way almost like human hands trying to grab the character not so much like branches moving in the wind, something like this could add to the overwhelming and lost feeling within my animation. The animation below called the passanger has a completely different aesthetic but the tree branches give a similar effect of framing the character like grabbing hands.

And most obviously the forest scene in Snow White.

I noticed that on the game Resistance 3 the intro for it wasn't in the typical game style it was almost like a dark comic book. The use of the dark outlines and dull colour pallet really help to connote the horror/action genre of the game and some of these elements could be included to help the audience get the right mise-en-scene for my short animation. The limited animation also adds to the mood of the animtion as in real life there always seems to be an element of movent within the backgroud. Also the use of limited animtion is all that seems to be nesessary to tell the story as that is the reason for the animation to give the gamers the story so far and the information needed.

I also like the use of the green tinge similar to that seen in horror movies another example of this is when the Harry Potter films become more intence and serious i noticed the change in colour.

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