This is the Album cover from which the song I have chosen is from and allot of my ideas have been inspired by the name of the album and the album art itself. The idea of using a character with some robotic characteristics came from the title The Sad
'Machinery' of spring and the word spring inspired me to place the machine like character in a natural environment so man made vs. natural. The narrative shows the characters struggle to escape this nightmare of being within nature - nightmare coming from the song title 'The Land of
Perpetual Sleep' perpetual sleep connoting enclosure, trapped in a situation where in which you can't escape. Through his journey he comes across another robot like character that is broken - he doesn't understand this and tries to give the character a red flower (inspired by the album art). The other character does not react which could portray that the broken robot has gone through the same experience but failed to get out. As a result of this the main character drops the flower and sits down next to the character in despair and the end I want to be open to interpretation - it could mean he’s given up/given himself to nature/he has finally be released from this nightmare/he will be trapped for ever in this state. So in essence it could be interpreted as a positive or negative ending.
Something that i am unsure of is whether i should make my ending restart at the beginning to leave the audience with an enigma, this idea came right at the start of the project and it has crossed my mind as it may make a stronger ending for my animation than my character giving up. This idea came from a film suggested to me called Triangle (2009) where in which a women is caught in a vicious circle of repeting the same events over and over again but from a different perspective. So to try and create this looping effect I intend to end the animation with the character ending up in the same position as the 'dead character' with the flowers positioned in the same place ect...
Triangle Trailor